After Care

A new feel with new dentures

Many of our denture patients need a bit of time to get used to wearing dentures – especially if they are wearing dentures for the first time.

Many of our denture patients need a bit of time to get used to wearing dentures – especially if they are wearing dentures for the first time.

In our experience, it can take longer to adjust to complete lower dentures, as there is usually less retention and the tongue may feel constricted for while. It will take your tongue, lips and cheeks several days or even weeks to get used to the shape of your new dentures.

Any problems usually resolve themselves within a short time. During this stage, you will play a more active role in adapting to your new dentures than your dental prosthetist

Transforming your appearance

Because dentures will change the way you look and feel, it may take a little while to get used to your new dentures. Here, you can access helpful guidance on adjusting to your new appearance, as well as taking care of your new smile.

Changes to speech

Many of our denture patients need a bit of time to get used to wearing dentures – especially if they are wearing dentures for the first time.
In our experience, it can take longer to adjust to complete lower dentures, as there is usually less retention and the tongue may feel constricted for while. It will take your tongue, lips and cheeks several days or even weeks to get used to the shape of your new dentures.

Eating differently

Getting used to chewing can take more time and practice until your cheeks, lips and tongue adapt to their new interaction with your new denture base. Many of our patients experience a reduction in the length of their face, which can be caused by many years of wearing “Ill-fitting” and worn down dentures. By returning your jaw to its natural position, your new dentures may temporarily affect your chewing and biting ability. Rest assured that things will soon return to normal. With your facial length restored to what it once was, your eating should actually improve.
When wearing your new dentures for the first time, begin eating with small bites of finely sliced foods. This will help you begin to control your new bite and tooth position.

Avoid tough, hard and sticky foods until you become more accustomed to your replacement dentures. Biting on the front teeth of even the best made denture can cause your denture to lever away from your gums. Biting slightly to the side more towards your back teeth causes less leverage.
New dentures take time to get used to and you may feel that it was easier to eat with your old dentures. However, most of our patients feel their new dentures offer them more freedom to enjoy the foods they love.
If you are a complete denture wearer, try following these basic principles to make your adjustment period much easier:
Chew up and down, rather than from side to side
Cut your food into small pieces and eat slowly
Chew on both sides of your mouth at the same time
Avoid bringing the lower front denture teeth forward against the upper front denture teeth
If you find that it is necessary to bite using the front teeth on your denture, hold your tongue against the back of the upper denture to keep it in place

Wearing your dentures

When it comes to the period of time you wear your new dentures, it is a matter of personal choice. However, we do recommend that you leave your dentures out at night, as this is often the most convenient time to allow your mouth to rest.

If this is not possible, we suggest that you remove your dentures whenever you are in private, as even a short break will allow your mouth to rest. Whenever you remove your dentures, make sure you keep them soaked in water.

All about soreness

Your mouth may have changed a great deal since your last set of dentures were fitted. The size and shape of your new dentures will be created to fit precisely with the contours of your mouth.

As a result, pressure points and sore spots can develop under and around your new dentures during the first few days of wear. Rest assured that pressure points and sore spots are perfectly normal, but should it continue, we can alleviate any discomfort you experience. If the irritation is very painful, stop wearing your dentures and consult us.

In most cases, a new partial denture will be supported by your natural teeth and gums. If you are wearing a partial denture for the first time, you may experience some slight soreness while you adjust. Designed to be as comfortable as possible, our partial dentures will minimise any potential for soreness. Try not to bite your partial dentures into place as this may loosen and break the clasps and damage your mouth. Instead, follow the insertion and removal advice provided by your dental prosthetist.

Experiencing discomfort with your new dentures?

Help is at hand.  Appointments are always readily available to any denture patients who are experiencing discomfort. In addition, dental recall appointments every 12 months will help us to make sure your dentures provide the best feel and fit.